his Take Your Child To Work Day, I had the honor of being protected by some of the toughest agents in town. h
resident Yoon, a man of many talents. h
peaker McCarthy’s MAGA proposal makes it easier for rich folks to cheat on their taxes – adding over $100 billion… h
ill and I are saddened by the passing of a groundbreaking American who used his talent and voice to help redeem th… h
epealing the Inflation Reduction Act would mean: - Doing nothing about the increasing ferocity of natural disaster… h
hank you, President @petrogustavo, for your commitment to addressing climate change and promoting democratic value… h
his tragic violence in Sudan has already cost the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians. It’s unconscionable and… h
oday, on my orders, the United States military conducted an operation to extract U.S. Government personnel from Kh… h
et's get this straight: MAGA House Republicans are holding the economy hostage to prevent student debt relief fro… h
Ban assault weapons – it’s beyond time.