rump falsely accused Biden of “spying on his campaign.” Today, it was revealed that Trump and Fox News colluded t… h
hew. Jamie Raskin just absolutely schooled Lauren Boebert. (h/t @acyn) h
REAKING: Rupert Murdoch and Fox colluded with Jared Kushner and the Trump campaign and provided Kushner with acces… h
he Republican Party has abandoned democracy because it no longer serves their interests. They want to turn the Uni… h
he U.S. is not sending bags full of money. We are sending military equipment (mostly older equipment we are repla… h
h look, it’s Donald Trump in 2017 bragging about cutting regulations and making things like our railroads less saf… h
ere’s Donald Trump in 2017 bragging about cutting regulations back to 1960’s standards. h
ow. Mike Pence just said this morning that we have to put cuts to Social Security and Medicare “on the table in th… h