AGA House Republicans’ bill cuts food assistance for seniors. For some folks, it’s the only healthy meal they re… h
uslim culture has been woven throughout American culture from the very start. We must always stand against anti-… h
epublicans on the Hill have said that unless I agree to cut programs that hardworking families rely on by 22 perce… h
hear House Republicans out on TV saying they would never vote to cut veterans’ benefits. In case there’s any con… h
often ask: where is it written that America can’t lead the world in manufacturing again? Well, House Republican… h
e're not just building a record-breaking economy that brings back manufacturing, creates good-paying jobs, and lea… h
e have a sacred obligation to care for the men and women who fought to protect our freedom. This is how MAGA Rep… h
ou might be tired of hearing me talk about it. But we're finally going to make the super-wealthy pay their fair… h
The middle class built America, and unions built the middle class. And I’m building an economy for them.
n Take Your Child To Work Day at the White House – I met a few dozen of the reasons I'm so hopeful for the future… h