ow can Israel that has a track record of human rights violations give lecture to Pakistan? Problem is that Israeli… h
srael gives a Shut up Call to Pakistani Govt of Shahbaz Sharif in UN on Human Rights! Why? Because Pakistani Forei… h
akistani American physicians rose in a thunderous applause on seeing Imran Khan appear on screen! IK speaking with… h
hmed Noorani has proved himself a man of convictions! He suffered for his views and reporting in Pakistan and has… h
mran Riaz Khan has become Pakistan's most celebrated Prisoner of Conscience! A man imprisoned for his political be… h
ooks Powerful! Don’t you think so? (Seatle, United States) h
ust heard from a friend that a bogus and baseless FIR for inciting terrorism and violence on "May 9" in Pakistan h… h
ear KK, You should be in “Guinness Book of World Records” for shifting & shuffling positions! Opinion is one thing… h
mran Khan has no illusions! In an interview with Reuters he bluntly explains that the whole charade of military co… h
s this for real? When this scene happened? Did Gen. Bajwa tried saying that “I am not that Army Chief”? Was he den… h