want you to understand that police were called b/c Nordstrom employees saw Johnson - a young Black man - in the s… h
UGE: “Russian defendants recruited, funded & directed U.S. political groups to act as…illegal agents of the Russi… h
his is just fascinating. I STRONGLY encourage you to LISTEN to understand how Republicans are thinking abt this mo… h
o, not a homeless person, not a “thug” on the streets b/c of bail reform? h
aking power away from juries….. yet another step in the power grab that’s hollowing out our democracy. h
he First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt resigned from the D.A.R. after their racist rejection of #MarianAnderson. Preside… h
4 years ago on Easter Sunday the great #MarianAnderson performed a concert at the Lincoln Memorial before a crowd… h
o this is the Republicans in the legislature, realizing that they humiliated themselves w/a Pyrrhic victory in ous… h
ep. @brotherjones_ is expelled. This image will remain, along with his powerful words. I believe that something… h
hat I saw today was a naked display of power, an utter disregard for the basics of due process, and a window into… h