amil actor Kanal Kannan was arrested for posting this video. In public interest, I request everyone to retweet t… h
arkha Dutt: Democracy is dead in India. There is no Freedom of Speech. J Sai Deepak: Barkha Dutt should leave Ind… h
rincipal Alexander Coates Reid of Dr. D.Y. Patil English High School, Pune made it a rule to recite Christian Pray… h
arendra Modi didn't force Burqa on muslim women in 45°C heat. He didn't start Halala system or Triple Talaq system… h
- Muslims face security threat today like never before & Indian govt is making laws against will… h
avad Sha of Kozhikode boarded the bus & sat on a seat reserved for women between two girls. He then opened his zi… h
Father M Father h
ome people have started attacking cinema halls showing #TheKeralaStory in Chennai while shouting Allah Hu Akbar &… h
ustice N Nagaresh has literally bμrn€d asses of these liberal lawyers who came to seek ban on #TheKeralaStory ???? h
his video is from Pakistan where a father is ₹@.p!ng his daughter. But Pakistan's Ambassador to India, Zubair wi… h