isten up, stupids: first you told us there was a whistleblower. then you said the whistleblower had tapes. but… h
isten up, stupids: you told us Joe Biden was corrupt. ok, we said, show us your evidence. you told us you had proo… h
it's been a rough two years for the Republican party, first they lost the the White House and now Russia
bridge collapsed in Pennsylvania. the Democratic governor rebuilt it in two weeks. the power grid failed in Texas… h
our reminder that Mitch McConnell fell and hit his head and spent five weeks recovering and the entire Democratic… h
isten up, stupids: Joe Biden found classified documents and returned them. Donald Trump stole classified documents… h
eally weird how Donald Trump's enemies list and Vladimir Putin's enemies list are identical. I guess it must just… h
his is an experiment. I wrote a thing about the Fox News / Dominion settlement. but Elmo is throttling links to *… h
ust a periodic reminder that I have a * * * s u b s t a c k * * * where I post four or five times a week. it's tot… h
wrote a thing: it's Friday, which means it's time for "this week in stupid," featuring some Florida moron who can… h